Our Services

Special Pets

Hair & Care

Services & Pricing

Grooming & Bathing

All prices are not gauranteed and start out at… Prices may very depending on breed, condition, type of cut etc.


Breed Bath & Basic Neaten Full Groom Breed Bath & Basic Neaten Full Groom
Airedale Terrier 55 65 85 German Shepherd-Small (Less than 35lbs) 45 55 75
Akita Inu 65 75 95 German Shepherd-Large (35lbs or more) 50 60 80

Alaskan Malamute

65 75  95  Golden doodle-Small(Less than 35 lbs) 45 55 75
American Cocker Spaniel (Less than 20 lbs 30 40 60 Goldendoodle-Large (35lbs or more) 55 65 85
American Cocker Spaniel 20 lbs or more 35  45 65  Golden Retriever-Small (Less than 35lbs) 45 55 75

American Eskaimo


35   45 65  Golden Retriever-Large (35lbs or more) 50  60  80
Aussiedoodle-Small (Less than 50 lbs) 45 55 75 Great Dane 50 60 80
Aussiedoodle-Large (50 lbs or more) 55 65 85 Great Pyrenees 65 75 95
Australian Cattle Dog 55 65 85 Greyhound 50 60 80
Australian Shepherd 50 60 80 Griffon Bruxellois 30 40 60
Basenji 30 40 60 Havanese 30 40 60
Basset Hound 40 50 70 Italian Greyhound 30 40 60
Beagle (less than 20 lb 35 45 65 Jack Russell Terrier 30 40 60
Beagle (20 lbs or more) 40 50 70 Japanese Chin 30 40 60
Bearded Collie 55 65 85 Japanese Spitz 30 50 70
Bedlington Terrier 45 55 75 Keeshound 55 65 85

Belgian Shepherd

40 50 70 Kerry Blue Terrier 65  75 95

Bernie-Doodle (Less than 50 lbs)

45 55 75 Labradoodle-Small (Less than 35lbs)  45 55 75

Bernie-Doodle (50 lbs or more)

55 65 85 Labradoodle-Large (35lbs or more) 55 65 85
Bernese Mt. Dog 60 70 90 Labrador Retriever-Small (Less than 35lbs) 45 55 75
Bichon Frise-Small (Less than 10lbs) 30 40 60 Labrador Retriever-Large  (35lbs or more ) 50 60 80
Bichon Frise-Large (10lbs or more) 35 45 65 Lakeland Terrier 45 55 75
Border Collie 45 55 75 Lhasa Apso 30 40 60
Boston Terrier 30 40 60 Lowchen 35 45 65
Boxer 50 60 80 Malteese (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55
Boykin Spaniels 35 45  65 Malteese (10lbs or more) 30 40 60
Brittney Spaniel 40 50 70 Malti-poo (Less than 10 lbs) 25 35 55
Bull Terrier (Small) 35 45 65 Malti-poo (10 lbs or more) 30 40 60
Bull Terrier (Large) 40 50 70 Mastiff (Less than 50 lbs) 60 70 90
Carin Terrier 35 45 65 Mastiff (50lbs or more) 65 75 95
Catahoula 45 55 75 Mini Pincher 35 45 65
Cavalier King Charles-Small (Less than 20 lbs) 35 45 65 Morkie (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55
Cavalier King Charles-Large (20 lbs or more) 40 50 70 Morkie (10 lbs or more) 30 40 60
Chesapeake Bay Retriever 40  50 70 Newfoundland 85 95 115
Chihuahua-Short Hair 30 40 60 Norfolk Terrier 35 45 65
Chihuahua-Long Hair 30 40 60 Norwegian Elkhound 60 70 90
Chinese Crested Dog 30 40 60 Norwich Terrier 35 45 65
Chow Chow 55 65 85 Old English Sheepdog 65 75 95
Cockapoo Less than 20 lbs 30 40 60 Papillon 30 40 60
Cockapoo 20 lbs or more 35 45 65 Peeka-poo (Less than 10 lbs) 25  35  55
Collie 45 55 75 Peeka-poo (10 lbs or more) 30 40 60
Cotton de Tulear 30 40 60 Pekingese (Less than 10 lbs) 25 35 55
Dachshund-Short Hair-Small (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55 Pekingese (10 lbs or more) 30 40 60
Dachshund-Short Hair-Large (10lbs or more) 30 40 60 Pitbull (Less than 50 lbs) 50 60 80
Dachshund-Long Hair-Small (Less than 10 lbs) 25 35 55 Pitbull (50 lbs or more) 55 65 85
Dachshund-Long Hair-Larger (10lbs or more) 30 40 60 Pointer 35 45 65
Dalmatian 35 45 65 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 60 70 90
Doberman 45 55 75 Pomeranian (Less than 15 lbs) 30 40 60
English Bull Dog 35 45 65 Pomeranian (15 lbs or more) 35 45 65
English Cocker Spaniel (Less than 20 lbs) 30 40 60 Poodle-Toy (10 lbs or less) 25 35 55
English Cocker Spaniel (20 lbs or more) 35 45 65 Poodle-Miniture (10-25 lbs.) 40 50 70
English Springer Spaniel 50 60 80 Poodle-Standard (25+ lbs) 55 65 85
Fox Terrier 40 50 70 Portuguese Water Dog 60 70 90
French Bull Dog 30 40 60 Pug 35 45 65
Breed Bath & Basic Neaten Full Groom Breed Bath & Basic Neaten Full Groom
Rottweiler 55 65 85 Feline (DSH, DMH, DLH) 55 65 85
Saint Bernard 85 95 115 Guinea 25 35 55
Saluki 45 55 75 PotBelly Pig 40 50 70
Scottish Terrier 35 45 65 Rabbits 30 40 60
Schnauzer-Small (Less than 15 lbs) 30 40 60
Schnauzer-Large (15 lbs or more) 35 45 65
Schnauzer-Giant 55 65 85
Setters 45 55 75
Sharpei 45 55 75
Shetland Sheep Dog-Small 40 50 70
Shetland Sheep Dog-Large 60 70 90        
Shiba Inu 50 60 80        
Shih Tzu-Small (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55
Shih Tzu-Large (Greater than 10lbs) 30 40 60
She-poo (Less than 10 lbs) 25 35 55
She-Poo (10lbs or more) 30 40 60
Siberian Husky 55 65 85
Silky Terrier-Small (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55
Silky Terrier-Large (10lbs or more) 30 40 60
Snoodle (Less than 10lbs) 25 35 55
Snoodle (10 lbs or more) 30 40 60
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 55 65 85
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 50 60 80
Weimaraner 50 60 80
Welsh Corgi 40 50 70
Welsh Terrier 40 50 70
West Highland White Terrier 35 45 65
Whippet 35 45 65
Wire Fox Terrier 40 50 70
Yorkshire Terrier-Small 25 35 55
Yorkshire Terrier-Large 30 40 60
Neaten Grooming Service: Bath and Basic Grooming Service + Light Trimming (Face, Feet, Sanitary)

Full Grooming Service: Bath and Basic Grooming Service + Hair Cut



Spa Ad-on Specialty Services

Available with any Grooming Service packages


Oatmeal Medicated Shampoo (<25lbs)   $3.00   Blueberry Tear Stain Facial   $3.00  
Oatmeal Medicated Shampoo (>25lbs)   $5.00   Nails Polished   $5.00  
FURminator Shampoo & Conditioner (<25lbs)   $3.00   Anal Gland Expression for Large Dogs   $7.00  
FURminator Shampoo & Conditioner (>25lbs)   $5.00   (with the purchase of any Bath and Basic, Neaten, Full Grooming Service)      
Flea & Tick Shampoo (<25lbs)   $3.00          
Flea & Tick Shampoo (>25lbs)   $5.00        



Walk-in and Other Services

Nail Trim   $9.00   Shave Pads   $5.00  
Nail Trim with Dremel   $14.00   Shave Pads & Trim Paws   $9.00  
Ear Cleaning   $5.00   Trim Visor   $5.00  
Ear Plucking with Cleaning   $9.00   Trim Eye Area   $3.00  
Teeth Brushing   $9.00   Trim Visor & Eye Area   $7.00  
De-Matting   $5 per 15 Minutes   Sanitary Trim (includes belly & potty area)   $9.00  
PAW-dicure (Nail Trim, Dremel, Paw Trim, Nail Polish) $28       Medication Fee (for Boarding)   $3.00  
Doggie Day Care (Business Hours):   $10 (Up to 4 Hours)   $15 (5+ Hours)      
Boarding Available: Single Pet $21.00 per Pet per Day – Multiple Pets $18.00 per Pet per Day (if boarded in same kennel)
** If pets require separation during boarding stay for any reason, at owners discreation, owner shall be responsible for full boarding charge per pet per day. Clients that require a detailed schedule of care will be responsible for full boarding charge per pet per day.
*Copyright Special Pets Hair and Care 2025. Prices subject to change without notice and are subject to South Carolina sales tax. We reserve the right to refuse service for any reason.






549 College Park Rd
Ladson, SC 29456


Monday: 8am–5pm

Tuesday: 8am–5pm

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 8am–5pm

Friday: 8am–5pm

Sat : 8am–3pm

Sun : Closed



